Do we seek to worship the Lord or do we seek the Lord for a blessing? I find at times that I read the different worship posts and am so blessed by them. Rather than reading with a spirit of worship, I read with a spirit of "did that bless me or not?" I am determined to spend time reading the worship posts with a spirit of true worship with an open heart that draws me closer to Him and allows His blessings to flow through me to others, not just stop with me so I can go away blessed.
I had no idea what I was going to write when I opened this New Post page, but I knew it was for Weekend of Worship and Spiritual Sundays. That's what came out of my heart. Here is an Oswald Chambers devotion that speaks of this very thing. I just happened onto it a few minutes ago. God bless you all, Bobbi
Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful
what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing
from God, give it back to Him as a love gift. Take time to meditate
before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act
of worship. If you hoard a thing of blessing for yourself, it will
turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded
[Exodus 16]. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for
yourself, it has to be given back to Him that he may make it a
blessing to others.
- Oswald Chambers, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, Barbour &
Company ( Selected mostly from talks
given during the years 1911-1915, these devotionals were first
published in 1935 by Dodd, Mead & Co., renewed in 1963 by
Oswald Chambers Publication Association, Ltd.
Weekends of Worship click here.
Spiritual Sundays click here.
Thanks for the "food of tought"
I love when an message is given with an "visual" Like here "the rotten manna"Made me remember it better
thank you for sharing this heartfelt post!
You have received the reason for Weekends of Worship. A time to meditate on each other's post and then to just sit back and worship our Heavenly Father. He so desires that from us. It has truly been a blessing to me by spending these two days in worshipping the one Who created us.
Thanks for sharing on all your blogs.
Be Blessed, AE
Beautiful thought on Worship.
A beautiful post ~ And thank you for the links. Blessings ~
Great thoughts about worship!
Oh I agree with you on heart needs to be in the right place when reading these to God speaking to me...and me glorifying Him.
to be near hear His whisper in my Spirit....that's the best...and then to give back to they too can hear and feel His amazing presence. You always inspire. thanks for this. Sarah
Everything I have read by Oswald Chambers has been so good. I have the book you featured here.
Thanks for sharing this message about giving God our best!
Thank you for all of your posts. I so agree with you. I want to seek to worship Him.
Good points on true worship. Thank you for sharing.
Having been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Tossing It Out, I now would like to pass this award on to you! I think your site is a top site and deserves this award. Stop by my site and pick up the award linking it to my site, list seven things about your self and pass it on to 15 others! Congrats!
We truly have been blessed by the Lord ... to be a blessing to others. The idea of hoarding a blessing doesn't even sound productive. Like the Jordan River flows into both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea in Israel, only the body of water that has both an inlet & a outlet is alive. The Lord wired us the same way.
Your post made me really stop and think about why I worship...thank you! I hope you feel better and have a wonderful time with your new grandson...he's beautiful, even with that sweet broken nose!
Thanks so much for your post and link. Hope you are having a great week
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