Saturday, May 12, 2012


I know I always use the same picture of my mom for Mother's Day. I have later pics prior to her passing on New Year's Eve 1992. Those pictures make me sad. I watched this beautiful woman get overtaken by Rheumatoid Arthritis throughout her body. She would cry out in pain. I stood by her side when my dad left her for another woman after 32 years of marriage. I saw her lose all but about 30% of her vision to Glaucoma back in 1969. She lost 75% of her hearing from a fungal ear infection that was treated wrong. She was riddled with Osteoporosis and started breaking bones in her 50's. By the age of 65 she had Dowager's (sp) Hump so bad it looked like her head was coming out of her chest. She went from a walker to a wheelchair. Then in 1990 she had a severe stroke that left her paralyzed totally on the right side. She spent the last two years of her life in a nursing home that she hated because she needed 24/7 medical care. Through all of that, over all those years, my mom never lost her faith in God. She never complained and never asked God "why." She never let a day go by that she didn't pray for all of us kids and grandkids. My mom taught me to trust God no matter what comes my way, good or bad. She left me the greatest legacy a mom could leave. Total faith in a God who never leaves or forsakes us. I miss her now, but I will see her again and we will be together forever. Happy Mother's day Mama, from your baby girl, Bobbi


KathyB. said...

What a tribute to a very strong woman in spite of her physical frailties.So much pain in all aspects of her life, but the faith in God to not only carry her through it all, but faith as a testimony to the ones she loved.You are blessed to have had such a mother.

Dee said...

Your mom was strong in spirit and beauty.

Teresa said...

Wow! What a tribute to an amazing woman who loved her God. Thank you for sharing such a legacy. Wow!

Esther Joy said...

If you could only get a glimpse of your mom now, wouldn't that be something?!! No pain, total joy...

Charlotte said...

What a beautiful woman she was. Thank you for sharing her with us. I know she will be so glad when she sees her baby girl again.

HeARTworks said...

Sometimes it's difficult to understand how a loving God allows all our trials and pains, but like Job, we can only hold on to hope, and trust Him! Your mom is a wonderful inspiration! Patsy from