Saturday, April 13, 2013



Dear Mr. Ward,

I'm coming to you many years past the time I could talk to you face to face, but never to late to express what I wanted to say. The day you announced who the majorettes would be my senior year was one of immense pain and discouragment for me. I understand now that it was a consolation prize to offer me the position of "Head Pom Pom Girl."

Being a majorette was a very prized and prestigious position at our school. I longed and waited patiently to get a position on that team all the way up through my senior year. I don't understand why I was passed over that day. Of all the students in band, I was of the most faithful, dedicated, and serious band members from the time I was in the 4th grade. Playing my trumpet, showing up by bus at 6 am three to four times a week during school to practice was something I never missed. There wasn't a parade or concert I ever missed or came unprepared with my part.

I was not the most beautiful nor the most graceful girl in band. By no means was I as popular. But I cannot fathom why I gave so much to your expectations, Mr. Ward, and so much love and dedication to music and our band, that I was denied one thing I needed you to say to me that day, "You have been faithful and you deserve to be on the majorette team."

Here is the respone I know now I should have given instead of silently dying inside and passively accepting the consolation position:

Mr. Ward, I have wanted to be a majorette since the day I started band in the 4th grade. I have served contently three years of high school now as a second rate pom pom girl. I now have enough self esteem and a sense of fairness to tell you that I decline the position of "head pom pom girl." I will put on the old hot wool uniforms along with my other band members, and march with my trumpet, proud that I have done a darn wonderful job for 9 years with passion, purpose, and dignity.

Your music student, Bobbi Jo