Sunday, April 8, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Coming up on Resurrection Day, we are reminded of the glorious miracle of the birth, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It it were not for those events, we would be lost with no hope.
I have a wonderful miracle to share that isn't as far reaching as that of our Lord's, but it is a testimony that He is still in the miracle business and it still brings Him glory.
Here is my story of the true miracle that took place yesterday:
My husband had a bowel resection in June 2011 in which is entire Sigmoid colon was removed. They were able to reattach, praise God. Things were going along fairly well until around the holidays 2011. At that time, he began to have trouble getting his body waste to pass through. With the help of many laxatives, stimulators, and fiber products, he was able to eliminate enough it kept him from seeking medical attention.
His condition worsened until he was becoming more confined to the house and was having increased pain in the area where his colon was reconnected. It was time to get to the doctor. His PCP sent him for a CAT scan. When the results came back it stated that there was a significant stricture at the prior surgery site. My husband called his Gastroenterologist and told him what his symptoms were and what the CAT scan revealed. This doctor got him in for an appointment the next day.
While we were in the Gastroenterologist's office, he came in and said he had studied the CAT scan and saw a severe stricture that looked like it was not allowing anything but liquid (and that in small amounts) to eliminate. He said this had to be taken care of as soon as possible. He had us wait in his office while he went to make a call to the surgeon who had done my husband's prior colon surgery. The surgeon said get him in my office in the morning by 7:45 am.
We were in the surgeon's office at the designated time. He told us he had gone over the symptoms and had studied the CAT scan. He said there was a definite stricture there and had to be stretched or removed. He wanted to do the surgery the next day but wanted it done at the hospital because surgery was highly possible and he needed to have access to everything needed to take more colon out and try a reconnect again. He told us it might not be possible to reconnect, which would mean a colostomy bag. If the stretching procedure tore the colon, it could result in death.
After we got home, we prayed asking God for healing, but letting Him know we would accept whatever His will was. On the 5th of April, yesterday, we were at the hospital, my husand had prepped just like one does for a colonoscopy. The surgeon scheduled my husband last because he wasn't sure what he was going to have to do: either do the ballon stretching to open the stricture which would take about 15 minutes or perform sugery to remove the stricture and reconnect if possible which would take at least 2 hours.
After 40 minutes the "surgery" was done. The surgeon took me in a room and showed me a picture of the colon where the stricture was seen in the CAT scan. He said, "I don't understand it. There is nothing there. This is one of the most heatlhy colons I have ever seen. There is no stricture there. I dont' get it, because the CAT scan definitely showed a stricture there." He said the rest of his colon was very healthy and this procedure is being considered just a colonoscopy. He walked out shaking his head in amazement.
The Lord did a total miracle on my husband between the time of the CAT scan and the surgery yesterday. There is no other explanation for it. Today he is doing great and having no symptoms.
My husband has learned that God loves him and his faith has grown over this time of having so much trouble. The surgeon learned that there is a Higher Physician who bypasses the surgeon's hands to provide healing. This experience has brought glory to God, healing for my husband, and a stronger bond between my husband and me.
To God be the glory! Happy Resurrection Day! God bless,
Posted by INSIDE THE SHRINK at 5:46 PM 3 comments
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